- Seeking: Full-Time Teacher for (mostly) grade 1 to 6 students.
- We Welcome new teachers with BA (or higher) from English-speaking countries.
- Working hours: Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:30pm with a break or 12-6:30pm.
- Age Level of Class: Elementary School & 3-6 year old kindy class
- Looking for teachers with strong organizational skills, Teachers who are imaginative, hard working and collaborative, and want to improve their teaching skills to compete and contribute in this 21st-century world.
Career Development Buleprint

Professional talent development
Improvement of
Training and Development
- Teacher career development
- Professional development training
- Credit blueprints for job positions
- Reserve Supervisor Training
- Mentor coaching program
Diversified Training Methods
- On-site courses, book clubs
- Workshops, online courses
- Job rotation
- Mentoring and observation
- Community-based learning
Intelligent Campus
- Training APP
- Cloud video knowledge base
- Online e-office
- School APP
- Asana Project System
Hear What Our Senior Teachers Have to Say